Naveen Patnaik Welcomes ‘Green Budget’ For 2022-23
Naveen Patnaik Welcomes ‘Green Budget’ For 2022-23

Bhubaneswar: The paperless "green budget," presented by Finance Minister Niranjan Pujari in the Assembly on Saturday, was presented by Chief Minister Naveen Patnaik.
The state budget for the year 2022-23 presented today is a progressive, pro-poor and developmemnt oriented Budget.
The Budget size has increaed to Rs.2 lakh crore and the Programme Budget to Rs.1 lakh crore.
Priority of the Budget is to create quality healthcare facilites, quality education including school transformation, life and livelihoods, women empowerment as well as infrastructure development.
The Capital spending will increase by more than 56%, which will foster growth.
Separate Budget for Mission Shakti with allocation of Rs.2000 crore will further deepen our engagement with 70 lakh women of our State.
Our initiative to create a “Budget Stabilization Fund” will help in mitigating any revenue shock in future.
The budget is in line with our transformational agenda under “5T” and “Mo Sarkar”.
I hope this Budget will meet the aspiration of the people of the State.
"Happy to receive the copy of #OdishaBudget2022 from FM Shri @NiranjanPujar11 in a pen drive as part of Odisha’s #GreenBudget initiative to reduce carbon footprint. It gives me immense pleasure we continue to be a pioneer state in presenting paperless budget. #PeoplesBudgetOdisha," tweeted Naveen.