Fourth King Cobra Restored in last 2 years in Odisha

Fourth King Cobra Restored in last 2 years in Odisha

Fourth King Cobra Restored in last 2 years in Odisha

Angul: On Wednesday, for the fourth time in the past two years, King Cobra has been recovered from a community in the region.

The people of Gadataras hamlet had reportedly sighted the snake in the morning in a pond near the Shiv temple. The Snake Helpline was alarmed by the big snake.

The Snake Helpline Member Aditya Behera rushed in to the village to rescue the serpent, along with volunteers Shivani Shankar Sahu and Biju Bhoi. The 12-ft King Cobra was captained without injury. They were successful.

When the adult snake was kept secure in a sack, the members of the Snake Helpline transported him to Bantala's forest office. The forest officers headed towards Woodland Ranger released the snake in an unsafe dwelling in the adjacent forest after medical checkout of the reptile.

It should be mentioned that in the past two years, as many as 3 King Cobras were recovered.