Vice President underlines the importance of rural development to nation’s growth

Vice President underlines the importance of rural development to nation’s growth

Vice President underlines the importance of rural development to nation’s growth

New Delhi: The Vice President, Shri M. Venkaiah Naidu today stressed that fast-tracking rural development is integral to the growth of the nation. In this regard, he called upon industry leaders and enterprising youth to take up rural service as a mission, with particular focus on women empowerment.

The Vice President, who is on a tour of Andhra Pradesh, interacted with the trainees of various skill development programmes at Swarna Bharat Trust, Vijayawada.

Complimenting the participants for their hard work and dedication, Shri Naidu said he was always enthused to see the energy and quest for innovation among them. He encouraged them to strive for excellence in their field and to always keep themselves updated with the latest technologies.

Shri Naidu stressed the importance of skill development in unlocking the demographic dividend and the ‘inherent talent’ of the nation’s youth. Referring to the government’s efforts to promote skill development through the creation of a dedicated Skill Development Ministry, the Vice President called for more individual and private institutional initiatives to complement the government’s efforts.