Bargarh Dhanu Yatra from Dec 27: Rangoli competition held

Bargarh Dhanu Yatra from Dec 27: Rangoli competition held

Bargarh Dhanu Yatra from Dec 27: Rangoli competition held

Bargarh: Hundreds of artists participated in a Rangoli Mahotsav in front of Odisha's Bargarh Women's College two days before the legendary Dhanu Yatra.

Rangoli Mohatsav based on 'Dhanu Yatra' was held in front of the college on a 560 feet X 20 feet length of road, with at least 361 artists from 36 institutions participating.

Rangolis were drawn on many incidents of Dhanu Yatra and Sambalpuri motifs over the course of five hours by the artists. Each set of artists was given a 2020 foot space to draw in, and approximately 975 kg of colors were used during the event.

Similarly, the committee organized a drawing competition on the grounds of the women's college, and approximately 120 junior and senior artists competed.

During the archery festival, the winners will be announced on stage.

Later that evening, Bargarh collector Monisha Banerjee introduced two Dhanu Yatra apps designed by Imperial College, Bargarh, and Vikash Group of Institutions.

Notably, Dhanu Yatra, which began in 1947-48, is regarded as the world's largest open-air theatre, and will be conducted from December 27 to January 6.