2 Killed, 4 Critical After Poclain Machine Dashes Into SUV At Garjanbahal Mine

On Tuesday, two people were killed and four others were critically injured when a police vehicle collided with an SUV in the Garjanbahal coal mine under Hemgiri police limits in Odisha's Sundargarh district.

2 Killed, 4 Critical After Poclain Machine Dashes Into SUV At Garjanbahal Mine

Sundargarh: On Tuesday, two people were killed and four others were critically injured when a police vehicle collided with an SUV in the Garjanbahal coal mine under Hemgiri police limits in Odisha's Sundargarh district.

The victims were identified as shift supervisor Jagdish Oram and machine operator Umakant Patel. The accident happened as they were driving home from work in their SUV. The mangled remains of the SUV indicate the gravity of the accident.

According to sources, the injured were rushed to Jindal Hospital in Raigarh, Chhattisgarh, and their condition is described as critical.

Meanwhile, at the mine, workers staged a protest demanding compensation for bereaved families and those injured in the accident. Following a discussion with MCL's General Manager, they withdrew the agitation.