Goods train derail at Sukru station near Koraput

On Friday, six wagons of a goods train derailed about 6 kilometers from Koraput railway station in Odisha, disrupting rail services along the route.

Goods train derail at Sukru station near Koraput
goods train

Koraput: On Friday, six wagons of a goods train derailed about 6 kilometers from Koraput railway station in Odisha, disrupting rail services along the route.

According to sources, the goods train was en route from Kirandul to Visakhapatnam when six of its wagons derailed.

However, no one was injured as a result of the mishap.

Senior railway officials have arrived on the scene, and work on clearing the track is underway.

Efforts are being made to re-establish normal traffic on the route. More information is awaited.