Rajnath Singh announces allotment of Rs 320 crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund
Rajnath Singh announces allotment of Rs 320 crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund

New Delhi: Ministry of Defence (MoD) has launched three new initiatives for the welfare of ex-servicemen and their families on the occasion of Armed Forces Veterans’ Day which is celebrated on 14th January every year. In a series of tweets, Raksha Mantri Shri Rajnath Singh announced that the Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare (DESW) has allotted Rs 320 crore to Armed Forces Flag Day Fund (AFFDF) to clear all backlog of pending applications for welfare schemes especially Education & Marriage grants for widows/dependent children of the veterans. This will benefit over 1,66,000 wards/widows of Ex-Servicemen (ESMs).
The AFFDF, administered by Kendriya Sainik Board, is being utilised to fund a number of welfare schemes for ESMs/widows/dependants. These welfare schemes aim to provide financial assistance to ESM fraternity/widows/dependants and maintain various facilities (Cheshire Homes/Paraplegic Homes/War Memorial Hostels) meant for ESMs and their dependants.
In another major achievement, Directorate General of Resettlement issued around 7,900 job letters to freshly retired ESMs in Government Sector/PSUs/Banks and Private sector during the year from April-December 2021, out of re-employment given to over 22,000 during the same period. The aim is to facilitate re-employment of ESM in the corporate sector and provide jobs through schemes for self employment.
The Directorate-General Resettlement is an attached office of MoD which facilitates resettlement of ESM by organising pre and post retirement training, re-employment and self employment. Nearly 60,000 Armed Forces personnel retire or are released from active service every year, most of them being in the age bracket of 35 to 45 years and need a second career to support their families.
The DESW also launched a dedicated Raksha Pension Shikayat Nivaran Portal designed to speedily redress pension, including family pension-related grievances of ESM and their dependents (https://rakshapension.desw.gov.in). The portal will enable processing of grievances quickly by the DESW.
Through the portal, an SMS and e-mail will be forwarded to the applicants on their registered mobile number and e-mail, intimating confirmation of registration of grievance and for tracking its status. Applicants can also provide feedback for the purpose of improving quality of redressal of grievances.