Department of Youth Affairs organises Special Campaign 2.0 for swachhata and disposal of pending matters
Department of Youth Affairs organises Special Campaign 2.0 for swachhata and disposal of pending matters

New Delhi: Department of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth Affairs & Sports organised Special Campaign 2.0 for Swachhata and disposal of pending matters from 2nd October, 2022 to 31st October, 2022 in its Main Secretariat, Shastri Bhawan, New Delhi and its subordinate office, National Service Scheme (NSS) and two autonomous organisations, Nehru Yuva Kendra Sangathan (NYKS) and Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD).
During the Preparatory Phase (14th– 30th Sept., 2022), Department of Youth Affairs and its subordinate Office/autonomous organisations i.e. NSS, NYKS and RGNIYD sensitized the officials, mobilized the ground functionaries for the Campaign; identified pendency; finalized the Campaign sites; identified scraps and redundant materials and completed the laid down procedures for their disposal.
During the Campaign Phase (2nd-31st Oct., 2022), the Department of Youth Affairs and its Subordinate Office/autonomous organisations made great efforts to minimize the pendency of MP’s Reference, Parliamentary Assurances, Public grievances and PG Appeals. All the major pendency issues were brought down at the level of 10%. Record Room and Store Room of the Department was cleaned and managed properly by disposing old records, files, etc. The old furniture and scrap was also disposed of.