Matric Offline Exam Begins With COVID Norms in the state

Matric Offline Exam Begins With COVID Norms in the state

Matric Offline Exam Begins With COVID Norms in the state

Bhubaneswar: On Friday, the Matric offline examination commenced at several locations across the state, with strict respect to COVID norms.

The Board of Secondary Education (BSE) reported that a total of 15,155 pupils had enrolled for the exam. In 504 centres , 6,596 students registered for the HSC test, 8,493 for the Odisha State Open School (OSOS), and 66 for the Madhya examination.

Thermal screening has been made available at all examination centres in light of the COVID scenario. The pupils were allowed to enter the centres after the screening. Furthermore, seating arrangements in the exam rooms have been devised to ensure social separation.

Antigen tests of all teachers were undertaken earlier, while the campuses were completely sanitised. Masks have been made compulsory for students to wear during the examination.

The first examination session runs from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. The offline examination will take place from July 30 to August 5, according to the schedule.

After several students claimed discrepancies in the marks awarded to them via the alternative evaluation technique, the BSE decided to conduct the offline examination for Class X pupils.