Indian Railways observe World Environment Day in a befitting manner

Indian Railways observe World Environment Day in a befitting manner

Indian Railways observe World Environment Day in a befitting manner

New Delhi: 5th June is globally observed as a World Environment Day every year with the aim to raise awareness on environmental issues.

The campaign slogan for this year’s Environment Day is “Only One Earth” with the focus on “Living Sustainably in Harmony with Nature” as in the universe there are billions of galaxies and in our galaxy there are billions of planets but there is only one earth.  Mother Earth is our abode and every endeavor must be made to keep it protected from rising pollution in order to prevail congenial atmosphere.

Like every year, Indian Railways is observing World Environment Day on 5th June, 2022 in an appropriate and befitting manner keeping in line with the theme of this year’s World Environment Day.

Railways is an environmental friendly means of bulk transportation. For environment protection, Railways have been continuously taking major initiatives that have positive impact on the environment by way of reducing pollution/GHG emissions, promoting resources and energy efficiency and contributing to sustainability. Some of these initiatives are briefly reproduced below:-

  • Increasing modal share of Railways in the overall land based freight transport through network augmentation and setting up of Dedicated Freight Corridors (DFCs)
  • Improving energy efficiency through energy efficient technologies and energy efficient measures like use of LEDs
  • Increasing the share of renewable energy in energy mix.
  • Use of alternate fuels like CNG.
  • Improving water use efficiency through measures like water recycling and rain water harvesting.
  • Afforestation at railway land to increase carbon sink.
  • Installation of Bio Toilets on entire fleet of BG coaches.
  • Green Certifications of industrial units, railway stations and other railway establishments.
  • Environment Management System (EMS): ISO 14001 certification of railway stations.
  • Consent to Operate (CTO)/Consent to Establish (CTE) for railway stations from CPCB.
  • Solid Waste Management.

In a gala ceremony, on 1st June 2022, in Berlin, Indian Railways have been awarded by the UIC International Sustainable Railway Awards (ISRA) in the category of “Best use of Zero-Carbon Technology” for feeding Solar Energy directly to 25 KV AC Traction System.